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Rules of Occupancy


In order to provide a respectful and safe home for all tenants, we ask that you read the following information, initial the bottom of each page and sign the last page in the presence of a Ross Ventures apartment representative.


  1. Tenants wishing to end their lease must do so in writing no later than 90 days prior to the end date on the fixed term lease.
  2. Tenants moving out must do so by the last day of the lease or be subject to additional service and maintenance fees on the unit.
  3. Monthly rents will be paid by direct deposit, and withdrawn on the first (1st) of each month unless it is a weekend or holiday and then it will be the next business day. Only 1 EFTD per apartment.
  4. If payment cannot be processed due to insufficient funds, or the rent is late fore any other reason, there will be an immediate $50 late charge added to any payment.
  5. If rent is late for any reason, a Notice to Vacate will be issued and delivered to the unit as well as registered with SNB.
  6. If rent (including the $50 late charge) is not collected within 7 days following the Notice to Vacate, the tenant must move out within 8 days after which is 15 days after the Notice to Vacate is issued.
  7. If it is a second offence, the landlord may issue a Final Notice to Vacate, which will be issued to the tenant and SNB. At this point the tenant will be given 15 days to move out, regardless if rent is paid or not.
  8. Security deposit (equal to 1 months rent) are to be submitted directly to SNB and receipt provided to Ross Ventures Ltd.
  9. No sub-leasing of apartments is permitted (Section 6, C).
  10. Only those listed on the lease shall reside in the apartment. Any changes to the occupancy of the apartment must be discussed with the landlord, agreed to and a new lease issued for the unit.
  11. Utilities are not included in base rent.

Parking and Parking Lot:

  1. The assigned motor vehicle spaces are provided by the owner, one space per apartment, and are for the exclusive use of the tenants only. Visitor spaces will be shared.
  2. All tenants are responsible for their visitor’s parking. All other vehicles will be towed at the owner’s expense.
  3. If you have a spare car in the visitor’s parking for more than 7 days, please notify the landlord to avoid towing.
  4. All cars must be moved during snow removal or they may be towed at the owner’s risk and expense. During the winter, if you are leaving for an extended time, you need to move your vehicle to accommodate snow removal in advance or make arrangements to have vehicle moved by the required time.
  5. Do not work on or repair vehicles, wash or vacuum in the parking lot.

Apartment Upkeep and Building Facilities:

  1. No flags or bedding to be hung in windows. Window coverings are at the tenant’s expense. Tenants are responsible for any damage to walls and windows by installation or removal of window coverings.
  2. The tenant agrees to maintain the apartment in a clean and good state of repair during the term of lease.
  3. The tenant shall not make any alterations, such as wallpaper, to leased apartments. Use small finishing nails, tacks or pins only. No adhesive picture hangers, stickers, tape, screws or large nails. Any alterations approved by the landlord must be reversed upon vacating.
  4. Painting your apartment is not permitted.
  5. No additional locks or bolts to be placed upon any door.
  6. No satellite dishes, waterbeds, space heaters or burning of candles allowed in the building.
  7. All garbage is to be placed in tied garbage bags or shopping bags and deposited in the garbage bin outside. Do not leave garbage in the entrance way. Recyclables are to be kept inside your own apartment.
  8. Quickly clean up excessive water on flooring – it can cause damage.
  9. Damage done to the inside or outside of the apartment property by the tenant or visitors of the tenant shall be reported to the landlord as soon as possible, and repaired at the tenant’s expense (tenant’s insurance or otherwise – see insurance below).
  10. No moving things in or out of the apartment windows.
  11. The tenant shall, during the winter months, maintain a temperature in the apartment so as to avoid the plumbing pipes and heating system from freezing. For any damages caused to the property of the landlord by the tenant by such carelessness, the tenant neglecting this rule will be held responsible.
  12. Please use sidewalks and walkways, not grassed areas for walking.
  13. When moving in or out of apartments, please do not drag belongings or furniture along carpets. The tenant is responsible for damages.
  14. Tenants are responsible for general maintenance of their unit, including but not limited to: unclogging toilets and sinks, general cleaning.


  1. There is NO SMOKING or VAPING anywhere inside the building or near the building entrances. A designated location is provided off the parking lot for smoking.
  • If there is a tenant smoking or a complaint registered about a tenant for smoking inside the building or near any entrance, you will receive a warning notice in writing. If there is a need for a second warning, the landlord may issue a Notice to Vacate.
  • Any smoking activity may result in an automatic charge of $300 for repairs and cleaning.

Illegal Activities:

  1. Tenants shall not conduct any illegal activities in or around the premises, whether inside or outside the specific rented unit, and shall ensure that no visitors of the tenant conduct any illegal activities while in or around the premises. No loitering outsider the step or area of the premises at any time.
  2. Absolutely no firearms, weapons, drugs, drug paraphernalia in the building – strictly prohibited.
  3. All illegal activities will result in immediate eviction and a call to the police for intervention.


  1. Nothing is to be left in the hallway – ie. Bikes, toys, etc. by Order of the Fire Marshall. Welcome mats are not permitted under the same order.
  2. No canvassers are permitted in the buildings.
  3. The security door is not to be opened unless the tenant knows who is at the door.
  4. No fireworks set off anywhere in or on the property.
  5. All tenants vacating or occupying apartments must notify the landlord in writing to arrange a suitable time. Moving in or out of the apartments cannot be done after 9.00PM.
  6. No barbecues on patios are permitted.
  7. No candles or fires permitted on patios or on the outside property.
  8. No hanging baskets are permitted on outside patios.
  9. Child locks must remain on the windows. If they are removed or if damage is done to the locks or the windows, the tenant will pay for the cost of repair.
  10. Appliances (coffee makers, tea pots/kettles, crock pots, instapots and any other appliance must be pulled out from the under the counters so steam does not damage the cabinets. Damages to the cabinets in the kitchen and the bathroom will be paid for by the tenant.

Noise/Tenant Comfort:

  1. Quiet hours are between 11.00PM and 7.00AM. Please be respectful.
    No loud exercising in apartment which may disturb the tenants around your unit.
  2. No tenant shall create or permit any disturbing noise on the premises or in the hallways which may interfere with the rights and comfort or other tenants. You are responsible for the actions of your visitors.
  3. No loud parties in the apartment or on the premises.
  4. Stereos, TVs and radios must be played at a reasonable level so as to not disturb others.
  5. No consuming of alcohol outside your apartment or anywhere on the premises outside the building or in the parking lot.
  6. Do not feed squirrels or birds around the building.
  7. All noise complaints fall under the City of Fredericton’s Noise Bi-law and may result in fines.


  1. Only one (1) set of keys (one for each tenant) will be provided without charge and is to be returned before vacating the premises. A $20.00 charge will be applied to the tenant for ANY replacement of any key or for not return a key at the end of the lease.
  2. When moving, all keys must be returned to the landlord not the new tenant.
  3. Duplication or keys or altering locks is strictly prohibited.
  4. If you are locked out of your apartment and require entry, the daytime fee is $25 and the afterhours and weekend fee is $50. These charges will be invoiced and due immediately.

Pets and Animals:

  1. Cats are welcome in the building, however they have to stay inside the apartment at all times and you must have approval on your lease in advance.
  2. Dogs are not permitted in the apartments at anytime.
  3. Other small animals such as hamsters or fish must be approved in advance.
  4. Having a cat or small pet is a privilege. Tenants are fully responsible for all actions or results or any damages of having a cat or small pet. If there is a complaint by another tenant the issue will have to be addressed and it may result in the pet having to leave the apartment.
  5. Cat litter boxes must be kept clean at all times. Disposal of cat litter must be made in a sealed garbage bag and disposed of in the outside bin. Cat litter must NEVER be disposed of in the toilet (tenants are fully responsible for the cost of very costly repair).
  6. Cats must be on monthly flea and tick treatment.
  7. Cats must be spayed or neutered.


  1. Landlord will provide 24hours notice if access into the apartment is needed for non-emergency (ie. Scheduled maintenance, showing). Emergencies are fully exempt from this policy.
  2. Tenants must notify the landlord of any changes to their contact information.
  3. No storage of combustible materials or such containers is permitted in the building or on the premises.
  4. If installing WIFI, it is to be password protected and your password not shared with others in the building.


  1. Only one (1) set of keys (one for each tenant) will be provided without charge and is to be returned before vacating the premises. A $20.00 charge will be applied to the tenant for ANY replacement of any key or for not return a key at the end of the lease.
  2. When moving, all keys must be returned to the landlord not the new tenant.
  3. Duplication or keys or altering locks is strictly prohibited.
  4. If you are locked out of your apartment and require entry, the daytime fee is $25 and the afterhours and weekend fee is $50. These charges will be invoiced and due immediately.

Tenant Insurance:

  1. Tenants are required to carry tenant insurance for the duration of their occupancy.
  2. The tenant agrees and acknowledges that possession of the apartment at the beginning of the tenancy may be withheld by the Landlord until proof pf insurance is provided. The tenant also acknowledges that cancellation or lapsing of their insurance is a breach of their tenancy agreement and may result in termination of their lease. Proof of insurance must be provided at each annual lease renewal.
  3. The tenant, at the sole cost of the tenant, shall during the entire period of their tenancy and any subsequent renewals, obtain and maintain fire and property damage and public liability insurance in an amount of one million dollars, at its sole discretion. The tenant must provide proof of insurance to the landlord and notify of any changes.

Cleaning Requirements When Vacating Apartment:

  1. Apartment must be vacated, cleaned and keys returned by 11.00AM on the last day of moving. A cleaning list will be provided and is to be signed by the tenant and landlord upon completion.

Photos will be taken inside and outside prior to tenancy. When you vacate the apartment everything must look as it was when you moved in, ready for the next tenant. If these conditions are not met, any repair and/or cleaning expenses will be deducted from your security deposit. Anything not covered by your security deposit will be sought after from your tenant insurance or small claims court. Tenants also have the same rights to take photos on their move in date, and send them to the landlord dated on the day of the start of their tenancy.

These rules will be enforced. if spoken to twice about any of these areas, your lease may be terminated by written notice. These rules are for your enjoyment and the enjoyment of all residents. Thank you.

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